Pat Purcell welcomed members and one visitor to the February meeting of the guild. It had been decided that we would be supporting the retention of the West Midlands Federation.

The minutes of the January meeting were accepted and the treasurer reminded members that subscriptions were due.

Shirley Brough had attended the Community Association meeting and announced the main road through the village would be the responsibility of the local council. The chairman and Mary Harley were thanked for compiling last month's quiz which everyone had enjoyed.

At the fifth Wednesday in May there will be a demonstration showing how to plant a hanging basket. Volunteers were needed to open their gardens for a garden walk. A music and magic evening will be arranged for later in the year and there will be a visit to Hidcote Manor in the summer. Barbara Priest outlined events planned by the Federation. The AGM will be held at the March meeting.

Our speaker, Mike Wilkes presented his slide show Zimbabwe Safari.