There were 26 members at the February meeting of Quarry Bank TG.

This number included one new member, to whom Mrs Wright was pleased to give a very warm welcome.

This meeting proceeded with normal business. January minutes were read and signed and treasurers report given.

Social secretary Mrs M Writtle gave details of the visit to Worcester. On arrival coffee and Danish pastries will be provided, the tapestries will be viewed and then there will be time to spend in Worcester itself.

The Good Food Show at the NEC was mentioned and enquiries made as to how many members were interested in visiting.

Vera Raybould gave the Federation report.

Information was given re the annual lunch, the harvest supper and also the International Women's Lunch to be held at Chester. A further item mentioned was the St George's Day celebrations to be held on Stourbridge on Saturday April 21.

The speaker was Diane Nex who told us of her own experiences with the Amish, their history and present way of life.

Next month the speaker will be David Hickman, his subject The Old Stourbridge.