The meeting took place on February 26. Win Willis, chairman welcomed members. Margaret Brooks read the minutes and Helen Greenway gave the financial report.

A list was circulated for nominations to the committee. It was reported the ramblers had enjoyed a delightful snowdrop walk. they are rambling again on February 27.

Joyce Edmunds said she had 42 names for the birthday dinner at the Mount Hotel Clent on Wednesday May 16, 6.30 for 7pm.

A drama outing to the Kinver Operatic Society production of My Fair Lady has been arranged for Wednesday May 9.

A beetle drive took place and this was won by Jean Davies. This proved to be an enjoyable event.

The raffle was won by Rita Wood.

The subscriptions were collected for the 2007-2008 year by Helen Greenway.

Two new members Mrs J Jeavons and Mrs C Boden were given a warm welcome.

The next meeting is the AGM. A talk on Aloe Vera Health will be given by Sue Morris. It will take place on March 26, 7.30 in Hall No 2, the Community Centre, Norton.