Audrey Phipps, chairman, welcomed the speaker Maureen Hart to our 20th Annual General Meeting.

Secretary Pam Ingham read the minutes of the 2006-year AGM, these were accepted.

The chairman stated it had been a successful year mainly due to team spirit and hard work of the committee. Members were thanked for their loyalty over the years, especially those who had been involved since the start that will be 45 years in 2008.

Ann Cooper was thanked for the interesting programme of speakers.

The Royal British Legion and staff were thanked for their hospitality.

Sheila Evans read the secretary's report.

Membership has risen to 47.

The speakers throughout the year had covered a variety of subjects, outings and events had been arranged and suppers enjoyed. The chairman was thanked for her continuous work and organisation of the Social Circle.

As treasurer, Sheila then gave the financial report, which showed a healthy balance .

Committee members Audrey Phipps, Sheila Evans, Linda Taylor, Yvonne Bourne, Jean Morris and Ena Baker were due for re-election.

It was proposed and seconded that they be re-elected en-block.

A visit to Hatton Shopping Village and Stratford is to be arranged for June.

The speaker, Maureen Hart gave a talk on the various employments in which she has been engaged.

Sylvia Fletcher gave a vote of thanks.

The raffle was won by Barbara Moss and Linda Taylor.

The next meeting is on April 5. This is Annette and John Christopher's "Albrighton Pottery - a hands on experience".

Visitors will be most welcome.