A STOURBRIDGE church which held a service given by a Ugandan pastor has raised £260 to help needy children.

Revivalist Aloysius Kiiza visited Chawn Hill Church to give a talk about how Lift Up Jesus Global Ministries Church in South West Kabale helped society.

People who turned out for the talk heard how consistent love of a caring church had helped unruly and rebellious children in the south western town in Uganda.

Meeting organiser, Mary Noot from Oldswinford, said: "We were all moved by the pastor's story of how persistent prayer has changed the face of his town and hear how it has worked out in so many practical ways such as establishing a change in the behaviour of the children."

The collection at the end of the meeting will go towards helping children who have been orphaned due to HIV and AIDS.

Anyone who wishes to make a donation to help the children in Kabale can through by emailing wellspring-53@tiscali.co.uk.