THE running of South Staffordshire Police is set to decided in the upcoming election in May, but residents are being urged to make sure they can make their vote count.

On Thursday, May 5, voters in Kinver parish will go to the polls for the election of the South Staffordshire Police and Crime Commissioner.

The commissioner oversees the running of the force, including appointing the chief constable, setting the local budget and deciding what the priorities should be for the police in the area.

But the district council is reminding residents that the only way they can vote is by being registered.

Steve Winterflood, electoral registration officer, said: “Only people who are registered can take part in May’s elections. People will need to register to make sure that they don’t miss out on having their say on polling day.”

The deadline for registering is April 18, and can be done by online, using a date of birth and national insurance number, by visiting

The form can also be downloaded from the registration site, or from the local electoral services team by calling 01902 696000.