FORMER football stars from the past are putting their boots back on again to help brave Stourbridge youngster Charlie Cowley in his fight to beat leukaemia.

The seven-year-old from Amblecote was diagnosed with the disease back on February 6 - a date ingrained with dad Chris Cowley.

Charlie played for Stourbridge Football Club's under 8s side and coach Wayne Tolley said: "Charlie is a wonderful little boy and an inspiration to all who know him.

"Twice he's come back and tried to play since being diagnosed with leukaemia but he just hasn't got the strength in his legs."

Charlie's bravery hasn't gone unnoticed and a number of former professional stars are prepared to turn out and take on some of the under-8 parents in a charity game scheduled to take place at Stourbridge FC's War Memorial ground on Sunday September 29.

Former West Bromwich Albion players Ian Hamilton, Daryl Burgess, Richard Sneekes, Andrew Johnson and Peter Odemwingie are set to turn out along with one-time Wolves favourites Colin Taylor, Seyi Olofinjana and Simon Osborn.

Blues player Paul Devlin, Coventry City's former 'Flying Postman' John Williams and Birmingham boxer Frankie Gavin have also agreed to turn out.

Chris Cowley said: "We could do with a few more players. All the current players who have agreed to play have been approached by parents from Stourbridge under 8s. It's amazing who some people know."

Already Bobby's Foods have agreed to sponsor the day while Halesowen company Tulley's Print have agreed to provide posters and programmes for the game free of charge.

Chris added: "Charlie has his ups and downs - but he manages to get to Peters Hill school most days.

"We're hoping to turn the whole event into a family fun day while raising funds for Cure Leukaemia at the same time."