A KIND-hearted mum has launched a support group for bereaved families in the Black Country following the heartbreaking death of her baby son.

Jenny Smith set up 'Here For You' in memory of her son Brody Clayton Smith who passed away in May 2017.

The group meets on the first Saturday of every month from 5pm to 7pm at Dudley Community Church on Salop Street and is open to parents and children who have been affected by a child bereavement.

Jenny was inspired to set up the group after realising what little support there is, both emotionally and practically, following the death of a child.

Jenny described the experience as 'unimaginable'.

She said: "There wasn’t any support, I didn’t drive at the time and the only support available was in Birmingham so I had to catch three buses to get to counselling."

She also pointed out that there was little support for children who have lost a sibling.

To improve this, Jenny's group offers activities for children to meet and play and a place for parents to chat and share advice over a cup of tea.

She says that simply having someone to talk to who has been in the same boat can be a massive help.

Jenny's sons Clayton, aged nine and Archie, aged four, also go along to the meetings where they get the chance to meet other children who have been through the same experience.

Jenny added: "We have all been through the same thing. We know if someone is having a bad day why that is.

"I’m there every month without fail and I will always be there."

Jenny hopes that as the group grows she will be able to fundraise for respite trips for parents.

To find out more about the group, search for Here For You Support on Facebook.