A POPULAR remembrance concert in Dudley has been saved from the axe, after a successful call for volunteers to help save the event.

Councillors Steve Waltho and Dave Tyler made a plea for volunteers to help support the event earlier this year, after its future was thrown into jeopardy.

The Gentleman Songsters Male Voice Choir, who always perform at the concert, had not only been the central performers but had also found themselves taking on an ever increasing role in organising the event.

The future of the concert was thrown into doubt unless more volunteers could be sought.

Councillor Waltho said the choir faced a 'simple but sad problem' due to the pressure of having to organise the event as well as perform.

Following the organisers' impassioned appeal for volunteers, 15 new helpers have come forward to save the concert, with a number of them having links to the military.

Staff at Dudley College have also offered the use of their hall free of charge.

Councillor Steve Waltho said: "As a proud member of the Songsters I fully understood their position. We give much pleasure and raise a lot of charity money via our performances. We have ex-servicemen in our ranks and have huge respect for the event and to be fair, have kept it going for some years, but we said that 2018 would be the last time since as volunteers we could no longer give an ever increasing amount of time to its actual organisation.

"Town Hall hire and other costs were also becoming a burden as we had to charge entrance fees to cover them.

"Dave Tyler and I tried one last desperate media appeal for help and were very pleasantly surprised by the response including several volunteers with links to our armed services.

"Some fifteen people expressed an interest to help, then to top it all Dudley College were delighted to come on board and offer their main hall free of charge for which we were extremely grateful. We have now formed a steering group and held two very productive meetings with officer appointments including former stalwart and master of ceremonies Ian Rawlings being appointed Chair of the group.

"We are pleased to announce the immediate future of the event looks secure."

The Remembrance Concert is a success every year, with last year's performance to mark the centenary of the Armistice raising £2400 for the Royal British Legion.

The concert for 2019 is now on track to take place at Dudley College on Thursday November 7 and will be free to the public.