A DUDLEY College photography lecturer is in the running to win a prestigious 'Education Oscar'.

Phil Brooks has been nominated for a Silver Award in the 'Further Education Lecturer of the Year' category of the prestigious Pearson National Teaching Awards, which has been dubbed as the Oscars of the education world.

He is one of 87 teachers, lecturers and school staff around the country who have been entered for the awards which celebrate the life-changing impact an inspirational teacher can make on their students.

The winner of each Silver Award will then compete to win one of just 14 Gold Awards which will be announced at the televised UK ceremony later in the year, broadcast on the BBC as ‘Britain’s Classroom Heroes’.

Phil has been shortlisted for his work with help students from deprived backgrounds to achieve some of the best results in the country; broadening students' horizons with trips abroad; celebrating Black Country history and art and encouraging students to take on photography.

The announcement of the Silver Award shortlist comes as teachers across the country work to support communities during the coronavirus lockdown.

Rod Bristow, President of Pearson UK, said: “Congratulations to every one of our teachers, lecturers and school staff who have been shortlisted for a Silver Award. At a time of unprecedented challenge, schools across the country are stepping up and playing a vital role for the wellbeing of our pupils and their families, and it is only right that we take this opportunity to say thank you.

"At Pearson we are delighted to support these Awards every year and to recognise and celebrate teachers for their commitment, dedication and passion."

Steve Munby, Chair of the Teaching Awards Trust, added: “Congratulations to all of the amazing staff in the running to win a Silver Award. This is fair recognition of the outstanding job they are doing and their efforts in going well beyond their role to make sure their students get every chance in life.

“Now more than ever is the time to appreciate our teachers and the fantastic work they are doing. I am honoured to be part of these Awards and to play my part in acknowledging teachers for the incredible job they do.”