PEOPLE who dump their rubbish during the coronavirus lockdown in Dudley could be fined £400, Dudley Council has warned.

The warning comes as the local authority has received several reports of fly-tipping in the borough over the past week.

Residents with extra rubbish have been urged to store it safely in their household until waste recycling centres are safe to reopen.

Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for environmental, highways and street services, said: "Fly-tipping is totally unacceptable at any time but even more so at the moment, when the council has to prioritise doing all it can to keep essential services running and support the most vulnerable people in society.

"Our staff will investigate every single incident reported to us and we will be issuing fines of up to £400 to anyone who is found to be responsible for fly-tipping.

"I would urge anyone with extra rubbish to store it safely until our household waste recycling centre can re-open.

"We do not want our streets to become dumping grounds while we are dealing with a crisis.

"Anyone who is caught dumping rubbish will feel the full force of the law."

The council has also warned that people who pay unlicensed waste carriers who advertise on social media can also be fined.

Residents are also urged not to use door-to-door callers to dispose of their waste.