A NEW service at Russells Hall Hospital is helping families keep in touch with their loved ones who are inpatients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With visiting currently not allowed at the Dudley hospital except in a few exceptional circumstances, the family support service has been set up to bridge the gap.

Jill Faulkner, head of patient experience at The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We recognise the importance of being able to communicate with family members during this difficult time. Our dedicated service aims to help families stay in touch with their relative while they are an inpatient and there are lots of ways in which we can help.”

The family support team will speak with hospital staff and professionals involved in the care of the inpatient, and arrange for the right person to speak with a family member who has specific medical worries about the treatment their loved one is receiving.

They will also pass messages to the patient and arrange for personal items to be delivered.

Jill added: “We are also here to listen to any worries or concerns families may have and will work with them to find different ways to help. We can also signpost to other external teams and organisations who may be able to offer support."

The team itself is not able to give medical advice.

Family members can call 0800 073 0510, 01384 456111 extension 3420, 3486 or 3421; or email dgft.covidfamilyteams@nhs.net.