SMOKERS across the Dudley borough are urged to quit to help protect themselves and others during the coronavirus pandemic.

Smoking can lead to a weaker immune system, putting people at greater risk of developing a severe complication from the COVID-19 virus, according to health chiefs-

Those around them exposed to second-hand smoke, including children, are also at an increased risk.

Councillor Nicolas Barlow, Dudley Council's cabinet member for health and adult social care, said: "Now more than ever, smokers should consider quitting for their health, and the health benefits to those around them.

"Quitting smoking will also help alleviate pressure on the NHS at a time where there is unprecedented strain on the service.

"I would encourage residents, especially those who are considered vulnerable, to contact the stop smoking services in Dudley for support, you are not alone and we can help."

In Dudley, free stop smoking services available include ‘over the phone’ appointments with Wellness coaches, Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products through the post, and the ‘Quit With Bella’ app - the Stop Smoking robo-coach.

To access the services, residents can call the Let’s Get Healthy Dudley team on 01384 732402 or visit: for more information.

Nationally, the #QuitForCovid campaign - - encourages smokers to quit together sharing their stories online.

The website also offers information and support. There is also a Twitter clinic every day at 7.30pm to 8.30pm where people can put their questions to leading cessation expert Louise Ross. People can join in at using the hashtag #QuitforCovid.