A MULTI-TALENTED Halesowen mum has spread cheer across her neighbourhood by painting a beautiful giant rainbow on the garage doors of her home.

Sandra Field's impressive installation in Willowsbrook Road has caught the attention of many passers-by and has been praised on social media - this week she added the Queen's head on a stamp to mark the monarch's 94th birthday.

The mum-of-three worked as a scenic artist in the theatre industry for 30 years and is now a costume maker - she has worked for Birmingham Rep and the Nottingham Play House amongst other top venues.

Aged 53, she lives with her partner and three children aged 21, 14 and 13.

Sandra said: "My friend who works at Long Lane library challenged me - she asked me why I hadn't got a rainbow up.

"I'm not on social media, but I said I'd do something.

"The garage doors were a blank canvas waiting for something to happen!

"The rainbows started as something for children, but it's become a symbol of hope for the NHS - it's lovely to have something to show support - and it's cheerful, bright and colourful."

It's not the first time Sandra's garage has been used as a canvas - she painted the Queen's head stamp design for the Diamond Jubilee in 2012, which she has now recycled and incorporated into her rainbow design.

Sandra said it took her a couple of hours to paint the rainbow and she plans to add to the design every few weeks to keep people interested.

Sandra had to stop working on very large scale work a few years ago, due to arthritis in her hands and moved into music and costume making.

She has many talents and also plays in the group Ukulele Union which raises money for Long Lane library as well as being one half of the duo Music and Memory with fellow ukelele player Ian Goddard.

The pair work for the charity BUDS (Better Understanding of Dementia for Sandwell), which has been forced to temporarily shut down during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Sandra said this will be the last time the garage doors are used as a blank canvas.

She said: "The garage doors weren't supposed to be there any more - as we were supposed to be having an extension - so this will be the last time I use them as a canvas!"

Neighbour Jill Grant was moved by Sandra's efforts.

She said: "It gives me joy to look out and see this - it's all about showing support and giving thanks to the NHS."