OFFICIAL figures show 191 people have now died with coronavirus at Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley.

The current death toll at the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust has been confirmed in latest stats from NHS England, published today (Wednesday April 22).

NHS figures confirmed a further 19 deaths at the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust on April 22, taking the death toll from 172 to 191.

Daily NHS England figures relate to deaths confirmed on that day- this does not necessarily mean that they happened on the same day that they were confirmed.

The 19 deaths confirmed by the NHS on April 22 took place at Russells Hall Hospital between April 18 and April 21, the statistics show.

Meanwhile, the death toll stands at 257 at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust after five further deaths were confirmed today.

Figures from the trust, which runs both Sandwell Hospital in Smethwick and City Hospital in Birmingham, do not indicate how many deaths specifically took place in Sandwell.

The number of people who have died with Covid-19 in hospitals across the UK has increased to 18,100, according to figures released by the Department of Health today.