WEST Midlands Police are urging drivers not to speed during the lockdown to protect NHS staff from the strain of serious collisions.

Police are monitoring speeding hotspots in an attempt to keep roads safe and people out of hospital as the coronavirus lockdown continues.

It comes as there are fears that empty stretches of road during lockdown can lead to drivers taking on unnecessary speeds.

Sergeant Jon Butler, from the road harm prevention team at West Midlands Police, said: "We've carried out more than 6,000 speed checks this week and it's pleasing to see 97 per cent of drivers were within the limit and recognising the importance of keeping our roads safe.

"Unfortunately, concerns that some were speeding along traffic-free routes were found to be justified, with examples of reckless and irresponsible behaviour.

"An empty stretch of road can be tempting but speeding is not only illegal, but it greatly increases the risk of causing a serious collision. Don't be in the minority who are risking lives and our NHS."

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson said: “Quiet roads are no excuse to use them as a racetrack.

“Speed remains one of the biggest killers on our roads and the utterly reckless and irresponsible drivers breaking the speed limit are putting the lives of themselves, pedestrians and other road users at serious risk.

“Just because the roads are quieter at the moment due to coronavirus does not mean that the speed limits no longer apply, speeding is much more obvious on quieter roads.

“There are more officers out on patrol looking out for speeding drivers and taking swift action.

“It is a minority of road users that do not obey the speed limit and put everyone’s lives at risk.”