FIREFIGHTERS were called out in the early hours to garden fire which had spread to a neighbouring shed.

Fire crews from Bromsgrove were called to Montgomery Close at 3.57am to a fire involving around 15 conifer trees which had spread to a neighbouring property's garden shed.

The fire is believed to have started from embers of a bonfire lit earlier by the occupier.

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service is reminding people to avoid having bonfires during the coronavirus lockdown period.

But if anyone is tempted burn garden waste, the service has issued some safety advice:

Site any bonfire well away from buildings, fences, trees and garden structures;

Don’t light a bonfire on a windy day, as it could flare up more than expected;

Be courteous to neighbours – fires may add to the respiratory difficulties of those suffering from coronavirus;

Never use flammable liquids such as petrol or paraffin to start a bonfire;

Don’t burn foam filled furniture, aerosols, bottles or paints;

Keep people, especially children away from the fire. If children are present, ensure they are supervised at all times;

Never leave a bonfire unattended

Have a garden hose to hand in case the fire starts to get out of control;

Always pour water over embers to ensure a bonfire is fully extinguished before leaving it;

If a fire should get out of hand, dial 999 and call the fire service immediately.