WEST Midlands Police has named its new police dog in honour of NHS fundraising hero Captain Tom Moore.

The 99-year-old war veteran was the overwhelming favourite in an online vote to name some of the force’s newest pups after NHS heroes.

Chief Instructor Dave Hibbert, from the force’s Dog Section, said: "Quite understandably we had an absolutely overwhelming majority winner...and that was the name suggestion of Capt Tom Moore.

"As an organisation we wanted to honour the fantastic work he has done, raising more than £25 million for our NHS.

"We’ve specially picked the pup to name Capt Tom Moore due to his dad being born and bred in Yorkshire, and a police dog covering the Hampshire and Thames Valley force areas.

"We’re hoping our little Tommy has that Yorkshire spirit and follows in the fantastic work that Capt Tom has done."

Stourbridge News:

The two-month-old Dutch Herder pup, who will be affectionately known as Tommy, will now go through the force’s puppy development programme with a view to being fully operational next year.