A WORDSLEY care home has launched an appeal to stay open after Dudley council refused permission for extension which its owners said would prevent it going broke.

Hillcroft Nursing Home is asking the Planning Inspectorate to overturn a decision to deny consent – despite councillors being recommended to approve. 

At a meeting of the development control committee in December, the company argued the extension was needed after regulations prohibited shared bedrooms, saying it was essential to its future financial viability. 

Objectors raised complaints ranging from congestion, impact on wildlife, loss of trees and privacy supported by a petition with 86 signatures.

Others said the extension would be overbearing, not in character and would impact on surrounding listed buildings in a conservation area.

 In their report to the committee, planning officers recommend approval - saying : “It is considered on balance that the development would lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset namely the Wordsley Church Conservation Area and the public benefit of the proposal would outweigh this harm. 

“In addition, there would not be any significant detrimental impact on surrounding residents and as such, in this instance it is recommended that the application be approved.”

In rejecting the recommendation, members of the committee cited concerns over parking and insufficient space for emergency vehicles and refuse vehicles to turn in an adjacent road. 

The appeal will now be  made by the independent arbitrator who has the power to grant the application or uphold the council’s decision.

Hillcroft Nursing Home has been contacted for comment.