A ROWLEY Regis scout is camping out in his back garden for the whole month of April to raise money for Captain Tom Moore's 100th Birthday Walk for the NHS appeal.

Luke McGarr, of Boundary Avenue, started his challenge as he wanted to join the Scouts' world record attempt for the largest virtual camp #CampAtHome 2020.

Then when people asked if the Earls High pupil was being sponsored he decided to back Captain Tom's appeal and so far has raised £375.

His scout leaders and the rest of his troop are backing him and have joined him on zoom to offer moral support.

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The appeal to help the NHS means a lot to Luke as he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was aged 10 and has been supported by the diabetic team at Russells Hall Hospital.

Luke, aged 14, is a member of 1st Coombs Wood Scouts has been a scout since he was aged five.

Scouting is in the family as Luke's mum Clair Connop is district commissioner for Halesowen Leasowes Guides and his sister Hannah McGarr, aged 21, is a leader at 3rd Blackheath St Paul's Rainbows and Rangers.

Married Clair, aged 46, who was a nurse at the QE and now lectures in adult nursing at Wolverhampton University, said: "Luke has camped out for the entire month - he absolutely loves scouting and started the challenge as a scout from Northumberland put out a challenge on Facebook for scouts to camp in their garden or set up a camp in their home and it became a world record attempt for the largest virtual camp.

"Then people started asking if he was being sponsored.

"He saw Captain Tom on TV and decided to give the money to him.

"He absolutely loves camping, so he will be fine in the rain now!"

To support Luke people can donate straight to Captain Tom's appeal at (link above) and message Clair on Facebook the amount they have donated so she can keep a tally of Luke's fundraising.

Cpt Tom turns 100 tomorrow (Thursday April 30) and his appeal has so far raised more than £29 million for the NHS .

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