A FLAG will be flown from Dudley Council House, Dudley Town Hall and Stourbridge Town Hall from tonight to honour NHS staff and key workers for their dedication during the coronavirus crisis.

The flag will be raised at 8pm this evening (April 30) as part of the national Clap For Carers event, when the nation stops to thank all carers and key workers who keeping the country safe.

Council chiefs say the flag will be proudly flown from the landmark buildings until further notice.

Councillor Ian Kettle, cabinet member responsible for halls, said: "I am proud that the council is honouring all frontline staff by flying the flags on our landmark buildings.

"I encourage residents to continue to show how much we all appreciate their dedication by joining in the weekly clap for carers and key workers on Thursdays at 8pm.

"We need to continue to protect our key workers by following government advice on the best way to protect the NHS and save lives."

Last Thursday, Dudley Town Hall was lit up green and blue as a mark of thanks to the NHS and key workers.