A STOURBRIDGE landlady has sent out an incredible 1,000 wash bags to help care and hospital workers who are fighting coronavirus on the frontline to wash their uniforms safely.

Lisa Sutherland, who runs The Britannia Sports Bar in Wollaston, has been sewing the bags from morning until night and distributing them to key workers in hospitals and care homes.

Just two weeks ago she borrowed a sewing machine from her mother-in-law and taught herself how to sew by watching a YouTube video - and since then she hasn't stopped.

Kind-hearted members of the public have been sending her material including fabric, buttons, ribbons and elastic to help her in her endeavour which has seen her hailed a local hero.

Her efforts have also inspired Stourbridge MP Suzanne Webb to start a campaign to recognise unsung heroes across Stourbridge.

Stourbridge News:

Lisa said: "I really wanted to do something to help with the current situation. I'd normally just hold a fun day or fundraising event at the pub, however with that closed I was a little lost.

"We put up our blue Christmas lights and light them up every Thursday for clap for the NHS but it wasn't enough, so we filled the windows with rainbow images sent in from families in the area but still I had to do more.

"I saw people all over the country were providing wash bags for the NHS and key workers and I thought I'd give it a go. I absolutely couldn't sew before. It turns out it's much harder than it looks.

Stourbridge News:

"1,000 bags later and I'm now providing supermarket staff with bags to protect their family when they come home and so many other key workers.

"I've only been able to do this because of the generosity of the public. They have donated every single item from cotton to material. I couldn't have done this without the efforts of our community."

Anyone able to donate material, buttons, ribbons, elastic, or any treats to go inside the bag, can get in touch with Lisa by emailing sportsbar16@gmail.com.