FED-UP residents are calling for urgent action to stop the scourge of fly-tipping blighting Cradley countryside.

Around 500 people have signed a petition calling for action such as CCTV cameras and other measures to stop to dumping of huge loads of rubbish in Foxcote Lane - after it became a daily occurrence.

The 54-year-old resident who started the petition, who does not wish to be named, said he would like to see Foxcote Lane made one way from the Oldnall Road end and a height restricting barrier installed just after Broadstone Avenue - with keys given to local farming staff who need to get vehicles through.

He said he thinks it is small unscrupulous unlicensed waste carriers who are dumping the rubbish, after being paid by residents.

He said: "It's been going on for years, but now it is happening every day.

"It looks like people are pushing stuff of the back of vehicles or out of the side of vans.

"I grew up here, this was my playground - it's wrong and it shouldn't be happening.

"It's disgusting. It must be people who are local and know the lane - people aren't going to drive from miles away.

"It's dodgy unlicensed waste firms.

"It's costing the council thousands in clear-up costs.

"Why aren't people being prosecuted?"

Hayley Green and Cradley South councillor Andrea Goddard, whose patch covers part of Foxcote Lane, said: "Something definitely needs to be done - it's absolutely appalling.

"I don't live far from Foxcote Lane and have to report instances every other day.

"The amount it's costing the council is ridiculous.

"People who pay these firms need to check their I.D and their license."

Cllr Goddard said she planned to request area forum funding for CCTV cameras.

Councillor Karen Shakespeare, Dudley Council's cabinet member for environmental, highways and street services, said: “Fly-tipping is totally unacceptable at any time but even more so at the moment, when the council has to prioritise doing all it can to keep essential services running and support the most vulnerable people in society.

“Our staff will investigate every single incident reported to us and we will be issuing fines of up to £400 to anyone who is found to be responsible for fly-tipping. People can report issues to Dudley Council Plus or through the council app.

“We are currently replacing all of our CCTV cameras in the borough as part of a corporate project to upgrade them, but the best course of action is to report people who do fly top so that we can take enforceable action.

“You should only ever use a reputable company with a waste transfer license to remove waste from home or you could become liable if rubbish is fly tipped.

“If people do have additional waste, they should store it safely until our household waste recycling centre can re-open.

“It’s only by working together that we can tackle this sort of anti-social behaviour.”