PLANS for three houses on a protected green space in Amblecote have caused outrage amongst residents.

The proposed plans will see a popular dog walking spot on Culverhouse Drive that is an 'essential asset to the local community' lost to two four bed and one five bed houses.

The land has already been targeted twice by the developer, Masterfreight, but both applications were withdrawn due to the loss of green space.

A section of the land is regarded as a Potential Site of Importance and the area of woodland on the site is part of the Black Country Urban Forest Programme. Therefore, the woodland should be retained for 99 years.

Stourbridge News: Proposed site plan for land next to 15 Culverhouse Drive.Proposed site plan for land next to 15 Culverhouse Drive.

Originally plans were submitted to Dudley Council for the erection of 4 houses but these were superseded due to ecological issues.

However residents feel that reducing the proposed number of houses will make no difference to their concerns.

Councillor for Amblecote, Paul Bradley, strongly objects to the plans. He said: "This specific Green space is part of a larger green corridor that is an essential asset to the local community and to lose it would be detrimental not only to local residents but the rich wildlife that has long being established over the years.

"In my view this area has already been sufficiently developed and this valuable amenity should remain as much needed lungs of the area."

Former councillor for Amblecote, Julie Baines said: "I am objecting to this application again on the grounds that this is a well used green space and a community asset in a highly built up residential area, it is part of a larger wooded area that has high environmental value and has been very well used by residents particularly in the last year.

"The proposed planned build in this comparatively small area will have an impact on the privacy of existing properties."

Martin Parker, of neighbouring road Perrott Gardens, said: "The land is habitat for bats, badgers and foxes as well as many other animal species and used regularly by people for recreation.

"There are many trees there as well as well worn paths and the proposal was for 4 big 3/4 bedroom detached buildings but since changed to 3 houses of which one now is a 5 bedroom, all of which would look over the fences of the residents in the south side of Perrott Gardens into their gardens and living rooms at the rear of the properties."

West Midlands Mayor, Andy Street has also lodged an objection to the plans.

MP for Stourbridge, Suzanne Webb, has requested that the application is considered by the Development Control Committee due to the significant local interest.