A FORMER Staffordshire Police inspector has been convicted of fraud and perverting the course of public justice after dishonestly claiming mileage to and from London Pride events where he was to represent the force.

Darren Oakey, aged 51, previously an inspector based at the force’s headquarters, was convicted at Stafford Crown Court on Friday (September 3) after pleading guilty to one count of fraud by false representation, perverting the course of public justice and obtaining/disclosing personal data/information contrary to the Data Protection Act.

An investigation by Staffordshire Police’s Anti-Corruption Unit found that on July 1 2016 Oakey, of Sayers Road, Stafford, had dishonestly claimed mileage to and from a London Pride pre-event and the London Pride March, where he was to represent Staffordshire Police.

And in May 2017, Oakey perverted the course of pubic justice by submitting four photographs to officers investigating his conduct which he claimed to have taken personally at London Pride when he knew he had not taken them.

Between May 2013 and August 2015, Oakey, without the consent of the data controller, knowingly or recklessly obtained or disclosed personal data or information contained therein, contrary to the Data Protection Act 1998.

He was suspended in January 2018 and having resigned, he left the force in June 2018.

Chief Constable Emma Barnett said: "Darren Oakey was working in a position of trust. He betrayed that trust and let down his colleagues and the police service.

"His suspension and prosecution reinforce the fact that Staffordshire Police is committed to the highest levels of ethical policing and integrity.

"We take offences such as this incredibly seriously and once his offending came to light he was quickly suspended from duty and his access to any information systems removed.

"Any staff member of Staffordshire Police suspected of a criminal offence will be thoroughly investigated."

Oakey will be sentenced at Stafford Crown Court on November 19.