A COURT case into the death of popular Quarry Bank footballer Ryan Passey has been pushed back until next month.

At a hearing at Liverpool County Court yesterday (Monday October 4) Mr Passey's family were told the civil case will now be heard on November 8 to give the judge more time to make a decision.

Adrian Passey is taking private legal proceedings to hold his son's killer Kobe Murray legally accountable for the tragedy.

Ryan's family want a ruling that Ryan was unlawfully killed by Murray.

A damages claim is also being considered but the family say they don't care if that's only a penny as it's only about the verdict and not the money.

Family friend Jason Connon, who attended the hearing today along with Ryan's parents Adrian Passey and Gillian Taylor, and his step-dad Phil, said it was emotional for the family to be back in court.

He said: "We didn't get the result we wanted, but we are hopeful. It's such a unique case for the judge.

"She said she needed more time to consider the case.

"It was difficult going back to court for the first time since the aquittal.

"We don't care if the damages awarded is a penny.

"It's the ruling that Ryan was unlawfully killed by Kobe Murray that we want. It's never been about the money.

"What the family have had to go through - they are so brave - they're not going to give up."

Stourbridge News:

Mr Passey, 24, was stabbed to death in a single blow to the chest when a fight broke out in the old Chicago's nightspot in Stourbridge town centre on August 6, 2017.

Kobe Murray admitted stabbing him but in a shock verdict was cleared by a jury of both murder and manslaughter in February the following year.

Mr Passey's family have been campaigning for justice ever since.