PRESIDENT Jean Green welcomed everyone to the April Meeting and thanked Marion Waugh for the floral table arrangement.

Secretary Daphne Marsh dealt with the correspondence. Joy Evans then encouraged members to sign up to the Eco Group and record their gas, electricity, and water readings for the year. This being an attempt by the Worcestershire Federation of WIs to reduce our carbon footprint. Joy also asked for volunteers to help provide tea and coffee during the three days, 13th - 15th June, of the Flower Festival at St. Peter's Church, Pedmore.

President Jean then introduced our speaker for the evening, Mrs Celia Wright, who came to talk about the Project Linus. This is a non-profitmaking organisation whose aim is to provide love, a sense of security, warmth, and comfort to children who are seriously ill, or otherwise in need, through the gift of blankets and quilts.

Mrs Wright brought along a selection of blankets and quilts to show us, including tiny 12" by 24" quilts for premature babies to lie on when in intensive care. She also explained that the name Linus came from the Peanuts character, Linus, who, although very wise, always carried his blanket for comfort. Members of Wychbury W.I., had been very busy prior to Mrs. Wright's visit, and were able to present her with over 40 knitted and crochetted blankets to help her organisation with their work.