AT our April meeting we had an extremely interesting talk entitled Bicycling from Bewdley to Beijing, given by Mr Christopher Smith.

He amazed us by his stamina and courage cycling over 16,000 miles. His book "Why Don't You Fly", was on sale after the meeting.

Reports were given on the Worcestershire Council Meeting, the Hagley Group Meeting and the Members Dinner, all much enjoyed.

We are looking forward to our Bridge Drive on April 30th, all the 90th Birthday events for Worcestershire County during the year and our trip on the canal with fish and chip supper in the summer.

Also some of our ladies are having instruction on the use of digital cameras with computers.

We have many group craft, poetry, bridge, choir, walks and skittles.

We are always busy with lots to offer. Why not come and join us every third Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in Stourton Village Hall.

You will be most welcome.