THE April meeting of Quarry Bank TG was held on Tuesday the 1th at Mount Pleasant Primary School. There were 21 members and one visitor present and all were welcomed by Chairman Mrs V Wright.

Normal business concluded, social secretary Mrs.W.Writtle gave information regarding forthcoming events.

The visit to Edgbaston Botanical Gardens will take place on 24th June and will include a guided tour of the gardens, also on 19th August an outing is being planned to Coughton Court. More information will be available at a later date. The speaker this evening was Mr.Ed Shaw, his talk entitled "Living In Arizona". Mr.Shaw had travelled extensively in many other areas of the U.S.A, and his talk, illustrated with slides, was most interesting and entertaining.

There will be no speaker at the May meeting, instead a Social Evening will be enjoyed by members.

This will include a "Bring and Buy" which it is hoped will be well supported.