HIMLEY Hall, past present and future was the subject of the April meeting. The presentation by Alan Peace, the senior warden, gave details of the history, ownership and development of the estate. He also listed some visitors of special interest.Alan,a much travelled climber, social worker and charity fundraiser, gave an enthusiastic, humorous talk which informed and entertained the members.

The estates origins dates from 1361,a fortified manor house hunting lodge being the first building on the site.

The older section of the present building dates from 1740 and costing £100.000 was commissioned by The Earl of Dudley. He was also responsible for the Whitley Court estate. The lake at Himley Hall , hand dug, was planned by Capability Brown.

In 1919 the buildings were modernised, a new 55 foot swimming pool added and an electrical system installed.

During the Second World War the buildings were used by the Red Cross as a burns and rehabilitation unit. The National Coal Board used the site as it's regional office for twenty years.

In 1966 Wolverhampton City Council and Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council jointly became responsible for the site. Dudley became sole owners in 1988 but the site is in South Staffs and needs their approval to any proposed developments.

A regular visitor to the hall was Edward VIII who would visit the local hostelry. Mrs Simpson also was known to visit the hall.

Alan listed the many general activities that the hall hosts together with the training and corporate events that also use the facilities The hall is registered for weddings and has up to 300,000 visitors a year. A European grant is being used to upgrade parts of the buildings Another enjoyable afternoon for our members.

The chairman, Anne Vincent, advised members of the venue and details of the 10th Anniversary Celebration of the club on the 16th July 2008.

Join us at our next meeting on the 28th May when the talk will be:- Dogs for the Disabled.

Monthly meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Amblecote Suite at Stourbridge Town Hall between 2-00and 4-00pm.

Future topics include:- 25th June AGM. 23rd July Waterborne in the Grenadines, 27thAugust Moseley Old Hall, 24th September Sheltered Housing.

We enjoy regular monthly walks, visits, lunches and occasional theatre visits and holidays.

New members welcomed. For details ring ;- Rex 01384 394610