STOURBRIDGE MP Suzanne Webb has vowed to do whatever she can to help Rishi Sunak as he steps up to become the country’s new Prime Minister.

The former Chancellor of the Exchequer has been declared PM following the resignation of Liz Truss – seven weeks after he missed out on the top job.

Stourbridge MP Suzanne Webb had previously backed Truss for the role and was appointed her Parliamentary Private Secretary.

But today she declared her strong support for the new man in charge and said: “Part of my DNA has loyalty stamped on it. I wish Rishi Sunak very best and I will do whatever I can to help him with the challenges that lie ahead, particularly around the economy, the cost of living and the War in Ukraine.

“But more importantly than that, my job is to make sure that whoever is Prime Minister does the absolute best for Stourbridge.

“We need to get back to delivering on our mandate and that means the levelling up agenda. I will be working my socks off to ensure Lye is chosen as an investment zone and plans for the regeneration of Stourbridge High Street become a reality.

“I want to see a police station in Stourbridge, I want to see money invested in our Stourbridge Dasher. These are just some of the projects I will continue to put my heart and soul into. There is much to do.”