A PETITION has been submitted to Dudley Council calling for a Wollaston street dubbed a ‘rat-run’ to be made one-way.

The petition, urges the council to change the designation of Firmstone Street so it becomes a one-way system, has been submitted by Wollaston councillor Cat Eccles and community campaigner Andrew Tromans.

Following a consultation run by Cllr Eccles and Mr Tromans, the petition has been backed by nine households living on the small street in Wollaston to discourage motorists travelling down the road at dangerous speeds.

Labour campaigner Mr Tromans said: “A number of residents raised concerns with Cllr Eccles and myself about Firmstone Street being used as a rat-run with vehicles travelling at inappropriate speeds.

“It was suggested that one possible solution would be to change the layout of the road to make it one way. In response, we surveyed residents to understand their views on the matter.

“Our consultation found that most locals support making Firmstone Street one-way or another measure that would help calm traffic on the street."

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Cllr Eccles said: "Firmstone Street has long been used as a cut through, but after a number of incidents residents want to see something done.

“In recent times several cars have been damaged by speeding cars and HGVs and a young child was even knocked down last summer.

“Thankfully they weren't badly hurt but I'd hate to hear of another similar incident.

“I hope the council will consider options to make the street safer. I have also requested for double yellow lines to be extended to improve sight lines out the bottom of the street."