A ‘dangerous individual’ who sexually assaulted a woman in the ladies toilets at Birmingham New Street station has been jailed.

Ian Bullock, 39, and of Stratford Road, Birmingham, was convicted of sexual assault at Birmingham and Solihull Magistrates’ Court.

On February 7 the judge sentenced him to sixteen months in prison and ordered him to sign the sex offender’s register for ten years.

He also was handed a ten year Sexual Harm Prevention Order which prohibits him from entering or loitering outside female toilets, and wearing any type of high-vis jacket other than for a lawful employment purpose.

On 21 March 2022, the victim entered the female toilets shortly before 7am and saw Bullock inside in a yellow high vis jacket.

She thought this was odd but assumed he worked at the station.

The victim left the cubicle to wash her hands and Bullock made a beeline for her.

He bent down next to her as if he was going to pick something up and then sexually assaulted her.

Bravely, the victim challenged Bullock and he casually walked out of the toilets in silence.

She watched him sit down and immediately remove the high-vis jacket he had been wearing, putting on a beanie hat in attempt to disguise himself.

The victim reported what happened to station staff who called British Transport Police, and officers quickly arrived and arrested Bullock at the scene.

When interviewed in custody, Bullock tried to claim the reason he was in the toilets was he now identified as female.

Detective Inspector Ian Wright said: “Bullock is a dangerous individual who deliberately changed his clothing that morning in order to loiter in the female toilets undetected and launch this vile, pre-meditated assault on the victim in a space she had every right to feel safe in.

“I would like to commend the bravery of the victim, who faced with an unimaginably awful situation immediately challenged Bullock and reported what had happened to station staff – meaning officers were able to arrive quickly on and arrest him at the scene.

“We are absolutely determined to root out sexual offending from the railway network and in this case Bullock deserves every day of the prison sentence he’s been handed.

“If you ever experience or witness such behaviour when travelling, you can text us discreetly on 61016 or call 999 in an emergency.”