A TOP Dudley Tory councillor has been suspended by the Conservative Party and is no longer a member of the cabinet.

Councillor Shaz Saleem, who represents Kingswinford North and Wall Heath, is now sitting as an independent councillor – according to Dudley Council’s website.

The high-profile local politician and charity fundraiser had been cabinet member for highways and public realm since May 2022. But according to his councillor profile – he left the post on February 21.

Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of the council and Dudley Conservative Party, declined to elaborate on the situation – except to confirm Cllr Saleem's suspension and say that a new cabinet member would be announced later this week.

Mohammed Farooq, Dudley Council’s monitoring officer, added: “We understand Councillor Saleem has been suspended by his party. He remains an independent councillor at the authority.”

Cllr Saleem told the News he needed time away for himself due to personal matters going on.