DETECTIVES have launched a re-investigation into the murder of popular footballer Ryan Passey, who was stabbed to death in a Stourbridge nightspot nearly six years ago.

Ryan, aged 24, died from a single stab wound to the chest on August 6 2017 after being knifed when a fight broke out in the old Chicago’s nightclub in the Ryemarket.

Kobe Murray, from Dudley, who was 19 at the time, was charged with murdering Ryan but walked away from Birmingham Crown Court a free man after a jury found him not guilty of murder or manslaughter after a trial in early 2018 - despite admissions made in the witness box.

Ryan's family branded the verdict 'perverse' and have been campaigning for a law change and justice ever since.

Their Justice for Ryan group has staged a host of public events to keep Ryan’s memory alive and highlight the problem of knife crime. They also won a civil case against Murray, who admitted in court that he stabbed Ryan, and damages were awarded to the family.

In addition, the group successfully campaigned for a review into the original police investigation that was carried out in the days after Ryan's death - with West Yorkshire Police agreeing to do a comprehensive review of the case.

Just weeks ago the campaign group announced the review had successfully concluded with 18 recommendations made - and today (Friday July 21) West Midlands Police has confirmed it is to re-investigate the tragic killing of Ryan.

Stourbridge News: Ryan PasseyRyan Passey

The force said it accepts all 18 recommendations made and that Ryan’s death will now be re-investigated as a homicide investigation.

Detesctive Superintendent Shaun Edwards, head of the force's homicide department, said: “We will be following up all of the recommendations made in the independent review as part of our re-investigation.

“Our focus is on Ryan’s family and we will continue to work with them as that investigation progresses.”

Ryan's parents Ade and Gill and step-dad Phil have welcomed the news and urged anyone with any information relating to Ryan’s death to contact West Midlands Police.

In a statement they said: "August 6 will mark six years since we tragically lost Ryan and we miss him every single day, made even more distressing and painful by the lack of justice we suffered.

"We said on the courts steps the day the unbelievable perverse acquittal verdict was delivered - we would never give up fighting for Ryan.

"It’s been a very tough journey that no parents or family should ever have to suffer, but this wrong must be put right.

"We would like to say a huge thankyou to Russ Whitfield our private investigator, Matthew Stanbury - our barrister, Suzanne Webb - our MP, and our amazing friends, followers and supporters for all your love and support you have given to us on our journey fighting for Justice For Ryan.

"A special thanks also goes to the team at West Yorkshire Police for stepping forward and conducting a thorough independent review of our case.

Stourbridge News: Stourbridge MP Suzanne Webb with the family of Ryan Passey and detectives from West Yorkshire PoliceStourbridge MP Suzanne Webb with the family of Ryan Passey and detectives from West Yorkshire Police (Image: Suzanne Webb MP)

"We had a positive meeting with detectives at West Midland Police this week and look forward to regular communications with the new investigation team as the re-investigation moves forwards..

"We will never rest until justice is finally served for Ryan."

Anyone with information that could help the investigation is asked to contact police via 101 or Live Chat on the force website, quoting Operation Cape, or to share information anonymously by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.