POLICE have confirmed they are investigating a report of a man being shot by a BB gun fired from a passing car in Stourbridge on Saturday night.

The incident reportedly happened in Worcester Street, outside The Plough & Harrow pub, just after 7pm.

There were no reports of an ambulance being called but police have confirmed they were informed of an incident and said enquiries were underway.

A spokesperson for West Midlands Police said: "We were called following a report that a man had been injured by shots fired from a BB gun in a passing car on Worcester Street, Stourbridge, shortly after 7pm on Saturday (February 24).

"Investigations continue and anyone with information can contact us LiveChat on our website quoting log 3800 of February 24."

An appeal was posted by a member of the public to The Old Quarter Stourbridge group on Facebook requesting CCTV from businesses and residents in Worcester Street.

The anonymous post said a man had been injured by a pellet type gun while waiting for his wife outside the pub.