A MOTORCYCLIST was lucky to escape with just minor injuries after a crash at Lye Cross last night (Thursday May 23).

The incident, involving a car and a motorbike, happened on Stourbridge Road just before 8pm.

West Midlands Ambulance Service sent one ambulance and a community first responder to the scene after receiving reports of a crash at 7.51pm.

A spokesperson for the ambulance service said: “On arrival we discovered one patient, a man who was the motorcyclist.

“He was treated for minor injuries and discharged at the scene.”

Lye community campaigner Naz Ahmed, of the Liberal Democrats, has called for action to make the Lye Cross junction safer.

He said motorists fear authorities are “waiting for a tragedy” before addressing concerns about the busy junction.

What do you think? Do you think safety needs to be improved at this road junction? Have your say by leaving a comment below.