SUZANNE Webb has called for Stourbridge’s Ryemarket car park to be converted partially into flats to help deter anti-social behaviour.

Ms Webb will cease to be an MP when Parliament is dissolved on Thursday May 30 but hopes to retain the Stourbridge constituency seat for the Conservatives when voters go to the polls on July 4.

In her final week before the race to the polls begins in earnest, however, the Tory politician – who faces competition from Labour’s Cat Eccles in Stourbridge – announced she was launching a campaign to improve the run-down Ryemarket car park.

She said she would like to see the top level of the aging multi-storey car park turned into flats and the parking area upgraded with better lighting, security and parking bays - to deter anti-social behaviour following concerns from residents.

She said sufficient parking spaces would remain and only the top floor would be redeveloped, and there would be no danger that any development would be high rise.

Ms Webb said idea already forms part of the draft Local Plan but she wanted to gain community support for the idea.

She said: “Local people have contacted me concerned about not feeling safe and anti-social behaviour when using the Ryemarket car park and I believe it needs to be redeveloped.

“Having more flats in the town centre would be a boost to the economy too and we need to make the case there is general support for such a plan.

“The car park is a sorry sight and work to improve it and crucially make it safer is important.”

Dudley Council has been contacted for comment about the idea.