DUDLEY planners have approved a scheme to convert two shops into a restaurant despite objections from the public.

The shops on Brettell Lane at Amblecote will be converted into a single unit with seating for around 45 diners.

People living nearby raised concerns there is no dedicated parking for the premises and a restaurant at the site might lead to illegal parking.

In a letter of objection, Gordon Chandler said: “Increased parking would create greater hazards around the pedestrian crossing (which is outside the proposed conversion) where there have been several accidents in the past. 

“The premises is near to the local bus stops and the increased number of vehicles parking outside the premises and on the pavements would potentially disrupt public transport to and from Stourbridge and Dudley whilst causing a significant risk to public safety.”

However in a report to planners, council officers concluded there is enough parking in the area to accommodate extra traffic.

Officers also concluded fears about an increase in anti-social behaviour with the arrival of a new restaurant were also not sufficient to throw out the application.

Their report said: “It is likely that footfall will be increased in the vicinity, therefore, increasing natural surveillance within the area. 

“Notwithstanding this, the building is within a local centre location, and the development would not be likely to have such a negative impact on antisocial behaviour and safety that would warrant a refusal.”

The plan was approved with conditions including that the restaurant will close at 11pm Monday to Saturday and at 10.30pm on Sundays and bank holidays.