GENERAL election candidates for Stourbridge were given a grilling by students at King Edward VI College this week.

The top college in Lower High Street invited politicians to a lunchtime hustings event on Wednesday June 19.

Conservative candidate Suzanne Webb, Labour’s Cat Eccles, Lib Dem stalwart Chris Bramall, Stephen Price of The Green Party and Reform UK candidate Richard Shaw all attended the event.

It’s understood Mohammed Ramzan of the Workers Party of Britain was unable to attend due to personal reasons.

The event, however, proved eye opening for sixth form students – giving them a good insight in the world of politics, according to the editor of the college’s very own student newspaper.

Amelia McFarlane, editor in chief of Campus Collective, said: “I thought it was really interesting to see how hustings work and to be allowed more of an insight into politics than many young people are able to gain.

“Everyone else I spoke to - even my friends who went and are not particularly knowledgeable about politics - said it was really interesting and actually made them more invested in politics in our local area. They were far more enthused about it than I have ever seen them before.”

The candidates have all been invited to a public hustings organised by Churches Together in Stourbridge which will take place at St Thomas’s Church on Wednesday June 26, starting at 6.30pm.