CANDIDATES standing in Kingswinford and South Staffordshire in the general election have shared their reasons for standing for Parliament and what they’d do if elected on July 4.

Voters go to the polls next Thursday to select who they want to see installed as their MP to represent them.

Candidates have spoken about their hopes and aims as polling day nears.

This is what each candidate has said about themselves and their reasons for wanting to be a Member of Parliament.

The list is in alphabetical order.

Gully Bansal – Liberal Democrats

Gully Bansal - Liberal DemocratsGully Bansal - Liberal Democrats (Image: Gully Bansal / Liberal Democrats)

I am Gulvinder Bansal (Gully), a resident of Codsall, South Staffordshire. With a successful career in digital transformation, I am also a devoted family person and an active member of the Liberal Democrats. I am committed to advocating for an NHS that meets the needs of every citizen.

My motivation to become a Parliamentary candidate for Kingswinford and South Staffordshire stems from my desire to create a better future for my sons, Harveer and Rohan, and all our children. Witnessing the Conservative government's mismanagement of essential services, especially the NHS, and the cost-of-living crisis has fueled my commitment to bring about real change. I believe that our community deserves a representative who will fight for fairness, opportunity, and positive change, aligning with the values of social justice, equality, and sustainability outlined in the Liberal Democrats' 'For a Fair Deal' manifesto​​.

To address the most pressing issues, I advocate for improved NHS services, supporting the Liberal Democrats' £9bn plan to ensure everyone can see a GP within seven days and access NHS dental care. I am also committed to tackling pollution in our waterways and improving road conditions by advocating for increased investment in road maintenance​​.

Sally Benton – Labour

Sally Benton - Labour PartySally Benton - Labour Party (Image: Sally Benton / Labour Party)

I am standing to build a better future for people living in the constituency. 

I am proud of my Black Country roots. I am the granddaughter of a glassmaker and carpenter, part of the war generation who taught me the values of service, security and hard work.

I have built a successful career outside of Westminster, including working in frontline care. 

Labour will deliver the change our country needs. We will deliver economic stability and grow our economy to protect living standards and pensions. We will not raise taxes on working people, and invest in skills for well paid, secure jobs that deliver growth. 

Fully costed and funded we will rebuild public services, starting with 40,000 additional NHS appointments, bringing back neighbourhood policing and invest in education.  

We will deliver a safer, cleaner environment, tackle energy costs and conserve access to green spaces whilst giving people the chance to own their own home. 

I understand people have lost trust in politics. I will work tirelessly to change this and will always put country before party.

Only Labour can defeat Conservatives in Kingswinford and South Staffordshire. I will be honoured to have your vote in this election. 

Gary Dale – Reform UK

Gary Dale - Reform UKGary Dale - Reform UK (Image: Gary Dale / Reform UK)

My name is Gary Dale and I am standing for Parliament on behalf of Reform UK in Kingswinford and South Staffordshire.

At the next general election the people of Kingswinford and South Staffordshire have a simple choice. Do they vote for change or more of the same?. I say real change.

Labour and Conservative have shifted and met in the centre, which is where they want to be.

Keir Starmer's vote for change, turn a page, for a fully costed minimal change manifesto lacking in vision - just much of the same.

Rishi Sunak’s says his plan is working, stick to the plan. I’m sorry Rishi nothing is working.

There is more to Reform UK than national politics, what about local concerns? These are the issues in Kingswinford and South Staffordshire where I am seeing genuine concern.

  • Immigration
  • Cost of living crisis
  • Industrialisation of our green belt
  • Protect rural and agricultural areas from rampant over-development
  • Woke ideology in our schools.
  • Farms subsidies removed, get farmers growing food
  • Youth activities  

Enough is enough. Kingswinford and South Staffordshire needs a bold representative who will fight for you if returned to Parliament to get results. Vote Reform UK, Vote Gary Dale.

Claire McIlvenna  – Green Party

Claire McIlvennaClaire McIlvenna (Image: Claire McIlvenna / Green Party)

I am honoured to have been chosen as the Green Party’s candidate for Kingswinford and South Staffordshire.

In recent years, more and more people have realised that far from being just about the environment, the Green Party stands for a way of doing politics totally differently and for pragmatic, proven policies that can transform our country – and that Green politicians are different and can be trusted to have the integrity people expect – unlike the other stale parties.

It’s clear for everyone to see that our country is in a total mess: politics as usual hasn’t worked – we need a new approach. That’s why the Green Party has grown so rapidly – we’ve seen a surge in Green Party politicians elected at all levels over the last couple of years, and we can see the same at this general election.

Only the Green Party has a credible plan to sort out all of the major problems we face. Tackling the cost of living crisis also means rapid action to tackle the climate emergency, and both of these things connect to building a much fairer Britain.

If you agree with me that the time has come for a genuinely different approach that will get Britain back on its feet after the turmoil of recent years, please vote for me at the general election.

Shaz Saleem – Independent

Shaz Saleem - IndependentShaz Saleem - Independent (Image: Shaz Saleem)

I am a charity campaigner and a devoted family man who is passionate about bringing positive change to Kingswinford and South Staffordshire. 

I’m here to listen, to really hear the people of our constituency and to support their concerns. I will serve the individual voices, our families and every person in our vibrant multigenerational society, so that all our views may be fully represented and fought for in Parliament.

My focused five pledges are: Crime; to reduce the acts of thefts and antisocial behaviour. Our Youth and Elderly; to ensure that there are opportunities and adequate facilities for all. Local Business; to boost local trade and highlight the variety of wonderful establishments in our area. BESS; to facilitate discussion and knowledge about future actions. Visibility; to always be approachable and actively present in our community.

Now, more than ever, we need to put community over politics and your vote on the 4th July will help pave the way for real change locally for you. 

We are so much more than an abstract area to be represented on a map and I will always continue to champion our residents, to bring together our strengths and to bring together One Community.

Mike Wood – Conservative Party

Mike Wood - Conservative PartyMike Wood - Conservative Party (Image: Mike Wood / Conservative Party)

Over the last nine years, I have shown that I’m an MP who works effectively with local people to get things done to make a difference for our community.

We worked together to save our green belt sites at Holbeache, Kingswinford Triangle and Ridgehill Wood, as well as the fields at Crestwood Park.

We worked together to secure millions of pounds of Government investment to regenerate our high streets, for a Local Enterprise Zone that the Labour then-Leader said would create and sustain 7,000 jobs, and a new tram line to link the constituency to the rail network.

And we’ve worked together on a range of practical measures, like organising Jobs Fairs and Apprenticeship Fairs to help people into work, and Older People’s Fairs to tackle loneliness and isolation.

I’m a local man, living in Stourbridge with my wife, our two children who attend a local school, and our rescue dog Frank. Being local, I care passionately about our area and have been visible and vocal in supporting our community.

I have been a strong local voice for local people, and that’s exactly the kind of MP I will be if I am elected to serve Kingswinford and South Staffordshire next Thursday.