A string of council services could be moving to a new base in Brierley Hill.

Plans are in motion for education, children's services and social care departments to relocate to Cable Plaza at the Waterfront, as part of a scheme to reduce the number of buildings Dudley Council owns.

The council is currently negotiating the purchase of the venue from Resonance, which announces it was putting its base on the market.

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The moving departments' current properties will be left redundant and available for sale.

Dudley Performing Arts (DPA) already runs from the site, and the move by other services will leave more council buildings free to sell.

DPA's role in music education in the borough was a factor in the decision-making process.

To rehouse DPA in another building would require substantial conversion work for music studios and soundproofing, but the site already provides these specialist facilities.

The council ultimately came to the decision that the cost of such modifications would be excessive.

Instead, the decision to buy Cable Plaza and move other council services would save money, as high-maintenance properties can be put up for sale.

Black Country Radio will also remain a tenant at the site.

Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of Dudley Council, said: "With the council facing financial pressure, it is working on a strategy to streamline the number of buildings and have a sustainable workplace.

"We are currently in negotiations to purchase Cable Plaza and plan to move services from older sites to this modern space, which already has all the specialist facilities for DPA.

"This will mean sites requiring higher maintenance can be declared surplus to requirement and put up for sale, saving money in the long term."