POLICE and councillors have been "disappointed" at the number of motorists they clocked speeding on a road which is used as a "race track".

PCSOs from Halesowen's policing team and Cradley councillors Ethan Stafford and Kash Khan were out on Lyde Green on Saturday (July 20) conducting a Speed Watch operation. 

They tweeted saying it was "disappointing to see so many speeding motorists in the weather conditions."

More than 20 motorists were caught speeding on the 30mph road in wet conditions with the top speed 43mph, which cllr Ethan Stafford said was "absurd."

Councillor Stafford said residents had raised concerns about the amount of speeding traffic on the road, which links Cradley to Quarry Bank.  

Residents have complained about speeding traffic on the road Residents have complained about speeding traffic on the road (Image: Halesowen Police)

He said Dudley Council had refused requests for traffic calming and that councillors are now appealing that decision.

He said: "Drivers come down the hill from Colley Lane and build up momentum- by the Vine pub there's a blind spot and it can cause accidents.

"It's like a race track.

"To be doing 43mph on the road in wet weather is absurd.

"We're all local councillors and we are doing our best to get an appeal and traffic calming measures on the road."

Halesowen Police tweeted: "Halesowen PCSO`s have been out supporting our local councillors this afternoon conducting a community Speed Watch Operation, It was very disappointing to see so many speeding motorists in the weather conditions."

The drivers speeding will be sent warning letters. 

One person responded to the tweet saying: "Can you please do something about Stourbridge Road, Halesowen, by Tesco Express cars going over on red lights so dangerous for pedestrians.

"Cars regularly overtake the buses in the stop not realising lights have changed too I've had many near misses whilst trying to cross the road."

The policing team said: "Thanks for raising your concerns. We have done a Traffic Speed Operation at that location not long ago.

"We will certainly give the location more attention."