Two young women from Stourbridge have received the highest award in Girlguiding.

Phoebe Godwin and Bethan Bond received the Queen's Guide Award this month, having worked on the award over the last few years.

Alongside them, Beth Cartwright, also from Stourbridge, has received her Ranger Gold award, another prestigious accolade in girlguiding.

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The Queen's Guide Award, requires long-term focus and dedication, and is achievable for members aged between 16 to 30.

It takes three years from the start.

It showcases to employers and education groups the holder's ability to meet challenges and achieve goals in a variety of ways.

The accomplishment entails five different sections, including personal development, guiding and community action, leadership, and social experience.

Miss Godwin began working towards her award as a young leader at Brownies in Pedmore in May 2019.

After going to university she volunteered as a helper at a Brownie unit in Manchester.

Despite challenges due to the Covid pandemic, Miss Godwin completed her Queen's Guide award in September 2023.

Miss Bond embarked on her award journey in March 2021, completing the Outdoor challenge despite the restrictions of the Covid pandemic.

She worked as an Inspire adviser at Worcestershire County for guiding, and facilitating guiding opportunities for members and volunteers aged 18-30.

Miss Bond said: "I’m really proud of all the hard work that went into the award and how much I learned doing new skills in the process.

"It’s been great getting involved in Girlguiding in ways that I wouldn’t have done if I hadn’t taken on the challenge of completing it.".

Debbie Carter, leader at 1st Wychbury Rangers, said: 'All the leaders in Wychbury District Guides are immensely proud of Phoebe and Bethan's achievement in gaining the Queen's Guide Award'.