A STOURBRIDGE artist has launched a creative fundraiser to raise cash for Black Country Foodbank.

Cal, who produced artwork for recently-elected Stourbridge Labour MP Cat Eccles, said he’s been blown away by the interest in his cat design posters which appeared across the constituency ahead of the General Election.

He said he received numerous requests for copies of the Vote Cat poster, featuring a cat logo, but he wasn’t able to get posters to everyone who asked for them.

He has, however, decided to produce some more and give them away for a donation with money raised going to Black Country Foodbank to help individuals and families in need.

Cal spent one hour producing 25 posters which have been signed by himself and Cat Eccles MP.

The artist hopes to encourage people to donate one hour of their times/wages for each poster – trading an hour for charity.

Black Country Foodbank CEO Jen Coleman said: “We are so grateful to Cal for thinking of a new way to creatively raise funds for Black Country Foodbank. This is a great idea and brings locals together to support their local community.

“We are looking forward to seeing the wonderful posters and we are grateful for all the time and effort that will go into this exciting project.”

Cat Eccles MP added: “Cal first designed the logo in 2019 and it really captured the imagination of the public and got them talking. Cal and I have worked on lots of projects locally, including the murals at Swanpool Park, and it’s great to be doing something that supports a local charity.

“People are really struggling to make ends meet in this cost-of-living crisis and organisations like Black Country Foodbank are crucial in supporting our community.”

David Craddock, of Craddocks Brewery, has also agreed to support the project so anyone wanting a poster you can pop into the Duke William pub, Stourbridge, and they will be behind the bar for donation or people can contact Cal via Facebook or online at calsartwork.com and he will arrange postage or delivery if local.

Cal said: “It is often said that it is those with the least in society that give the most. I have nothing but time so you are welcome to it all.”

Cal’s last two artistic fundraising projects for Black Country Foodbank raised more than £2.5k.