A Stourbridge care home has helped form a friendship despite a 70+ year age gap, thanks to an unusual hobby centred on post boxes.

Staff at Oriel Care Home on Hagley Road have supported resident Alan Instone, 83, to continue his love of Royal Cypher spotting since he moved in seven months ago.

One of the first members (member number 5) of the Letter Box Study Group in 1976, Alan enjoys seeking out the post boxes and monograms of British monarchs past and present that adorn post boxes around the country.

Harrison Pearce-Williams and Alan Instone have formed a friendshipHarrison Pearce-Williams and Alan Instone have formed a friendship (Image: Handout)

Now, seven -year-old Harrison Pearce-Williams, whose mum works at the home, has joined forces with Alan to continue his hunt.

Alan said:  “I used to drive around the country for miles looking at unusual, undocumented and picturesque post boxes.

“Dorset is home to the oldest Post Box in the UK, dating back to 1853. It carries the cypher of Queen Victoria. It’s remarkable when you think of the history of each box.”

Alan’s 50 year-long passion for Cypher spotting hasn’t stopped since moving into the care home.

He regularly attends meetings with the LBSG - which now boasts 3,600 members - and he has inspired Harrison with his collection of post box models, and money box memorabilia.

Harrison said: “Alan knows so many interesting facts about post boxes.

"I really like Alan and talking to him about his hobby.”

Staff at the home realised the interest Harrison was taking in Alan’s unusual hobby. They suggested a trip out together to spot some local Cyphers.

Alan and Harrison visited a pillar box outside the entrance to Mary Stevens Park. They took a tape measure with them so that Alan could show Harrison what he was looking for.

Alan used his tape measure to note down the height and width of the box. He also noted the Cypher (E11R) which dates back to 1952.

Harrison said: “I was really lucky to go out with Alan to find letter boxes.

"He showed me the marking – it was really good to see.“

Alan added: “Harrison showed a great interest in the post box and the history of its Cypher – it made me really happy to know that one day he may share the same passion for Cypher spotting as I do.”

Home manager at Oriel Care Home Kellie Hunt said: “Alan’s hobby is fascinating and we’ve all learnt so much about Cyphers since he moved in.

“Harrison was really keen to learn more about the different types of post boxes and it’s been wonderful to be able to add this new dimension to Alan’s long-standing interest.

"It looks like he could be gearing up to inspire the next generation of Cypher spotters.”

Alan and Harrison have already planned another trip out together with his mum in the not so distant future.