Stevens Park in Wollescote has been named one of the best in the country.

It has received a Green Flag Award for its Sensory Garden, an international quality mark for parks and green spaces.

Friends of Wollescote Park, the team that maintains the park and its Sensory Garden, are today celebrating the award after working to make the park a space to be cherished by visitors and residents alike.

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Keep Britain Tidy’s Green Flag Award scheme manager, Paul Todd MBE, said: "I would like to congratulate everyone involved at Wollescote Park on achieving a Green Flag Award.

"The Sensory Garden, Stevens Park is a vital green space for communities in Stourbridge to socialise, enjoy nature, for children to play safely and it provides important opportunities for park users to improve their physical and mental health."

He added: "We know that staff and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that it maintains the high standards of the Green Flag Award; everyone involved should feel extremely proud of their achievement.

"It is important that our free to use spaces are maintained to the Green Flag Award standard, making them accessible for all members of the community while ensuring the environment is protected."