A DUDLEY peace campaign group has completed another successful trip to the summit of Britain’s highest mountain.

Annual ascents of Ben Nevis to mark VJ Day (August 15) have been taking place since former councillor Steve Waltho decided to rekindle a link between Dudley and the Scottish mountain in the Highlands, near Fort William, in 2014.

The yearly pilgrimage remembers peace campaigner Bert Bissell, from Dudley, who climbed the Ben 107 times – taking hundreds of people to its summit where he had the world’s highest peace cairn constructed.

The most recent hike to the summit took place on August 16 and was followed by a commemorative service in memory of Bert Bissell, who died in November 1998 aged 96 and was laid to rest at Glen Nevis beneath his beloved mountain.

This year Steven Bissell also joined the group and made it to the summit in memory of his great, great uncle.

Alderman Steve Waltho said of the trip: "We paid our respects at Bert's graveside culminating in a prayer by Bert's right hand man Astley Blake and vice-chair Shaz Saleem laid a wreath.

"It was a poignant moment to see Steve Bissell reunited with his great, great uncle. We then moved on to Fort William and were warmly welcomed to the church by our Scottish friends for a brief celebration of Bert's life followed by refreshments.

“We also discussed 2025 which we hope will be a big event in the name of world peace. It will be the 100th anniversary of Bert's Bible Class and the 80th anniversary of VJ Day.

“It is sheer coincidence that our normal Friday climb will actually be on August 15.

“We already have Dudley College, the Gentlemen Songsters and other VIP individuals interested.

“However, it will require significant funding and a steering group to manage such an event.”

Anyone interested in helping out or taking part in next year’s trip can contact Steve by calling 07703 308463 or email stevewaltho@hotmail.co.uk.