A Sunday Times best-selling author is set to get his first theatre tour underway in Stourbridge.

John Nichol, the acclaimed former RAF Tornado Navigator, will be touring 'The Unknown Warrior - A Personal Journey of Discovery and Remembrance' at theatres across the country.

This tour is based on Nichol's new book of the same name, due to be published by Simon & Schuster on Thursday, September 26.

Nichol made headlines in 1991 when his plane was shot down during the Iraq War, and he and his pilot John Peters were taken captive, tortured and paraded on TV.

Since then, Nichol has authored 17 books, including 'Tornado Down', which detailed his experiences as a prisoner of war.

The tour will see Nichol retrace the journey of the Unknown Warrior from the Northern France battlefields to Westminster Abbey.

The tale culminates in the 1920 Armistice Day funeral at the Abbey, a grand state occasion which saw an estimated 1,250,000 people visit the Abbey to see the grave in the following week.

Throughout the First World War, over 9.7 million military personnel and 10 million civilians lost their lives.

Nichol's narrative explores the idea of an 'Unknown Warrior', which symbolises all the unidentified lost soldiers.

He will trace many of their stories by speaking to relatives of soldiers, research from long-forgotten archives and the insights of modern experts.

He will also speak to those who have suffered recent losses, examining our need for a resting place for the fallen.

Historian Dan Snow said: “It is rare to find a tale so strange, intimate and human yet at the same time so enormous, so global in its importance.

"Yet again John Nichol impresses us with his ability to weave together the little details and the grand narrative."

Nichol will start his tour at Stourbridge Theatre on Friday, October 4.