A Stourbridge woman who has had type one diabetes for more than 50 years has written a book about her experiences.

Yvonne Warner, 62, hopes the book will inspire others with the condition to achieve their dreams.

She has also said she will donate the royalties from the book to two diabetes charities.

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Ms Warner, a former NHS director, said: "I want to give hope and inspiration to all the people who have type 1 diabetes that you can live a very fulfilled life.

"It is extremely difficult, but you can do it."

Diagnosed at the age of nine in early 1971, Ms Warner spent three months in Dudley Guest Hospital.

She said: "I remember thinking that I was not going to hate it and I was not going to let it beat me."

Ms Warner has seen significant developments in diabetes treatment over the years, from glass syringes to a continuous glucose monitoring system.

She said: "Over the past 50 years or so I have done a minimum of 10,000 urine tests, 170,000 finger pricks and 70,000 injections to keep myself alive and well."

Her book, My Forever Best Friend, describes how she embraced her condition.

She said: "Type one diabetes is my forever best friend.

"It is with me for life and I am inseparable from it.

"The book is all about how I learned to live with my best friend, through the good and the bad, the highs and the lows."

The royalties from the book will be donated to Diabetes UK and the Juvenile Diabetic Research Foundation.

Ms Warner said: "I want to help them continue the phenomenal work they are doing and from which I and thousands of others have benefited over the past 50 years."

The book is available to buy in hardback, paperback or Kindle format through Amazon.